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Post Category: Preparing for Worship

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Preparing for Worship (11/21/10)

When Israel was preparing for a new life in the promised land, God gave them the instruction, "You shall keep the Feast of the Harvest, of the firstfruits of your labor, of what you sow in the field" (Exodus 23:16). Thanksgiving celebrations were an important part of the people's worship before God. Throughout history, Christians have set aside certain times and days as ...

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Preparing for Worship (11/14/10)

This Sunday we conclude our series in the Gospel of Mark. We'll be focusing on the resurrection of Jesus from Mark 16:1-8. To prepare for worship, read this passage and ask: What difference does the resurrection make? How is my life different because Jesus rose from the dead?...

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Preparing for Worship (11/07/10)

Early on in our worship service we'll confess our sins. We'll do this individually and silently before God, then in a corporate prayer together, and lastly in song as we sing Kyrie Eleison (which means "Lord have mercy"). Just like in any relationship, confessing sins then clears the way for joyful fellowship. And so it is with God. We move forward in worship with joy ...

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Preparing for Worship (10/31/10)

Sunday is Halloween. And even more importantly, it's Reformation Day. Historically, Protestant churches have used this day to reflect on the events of October 31, 1517 when Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the Wittenburg Cathedral. ...

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Preparing for Worship (10/24/10)

This week in worship we get to hear a brief report from Barry Schutter, a missionary working with World Harvest Mission in London. Barry, and his wife Amy, work with a church plant (New Life Masih Ghar) which ministers mainly to South Asians living in London....

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Preparing for Worship (10/10/10)

Corporate worship is a great thing. Of course, we can worship God on our own and with our families - and we should. But there is something special about the people of God coming together for worship (Hebrews 10:24-25). Thus, we hope that corporate worship is the highlight of your week. In an effort to help you get more out of worship, we're posting a short preview of t...

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Preparing for Worship (10/03/10)

We continue this week in our series "The King and His Kingdom" from the Gospel of Mark. The text on which the teaching is based comes from Mark 10:13-31. In preparation for worship, you might ask the following questions: ...

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Preparing for Worship (10/03/10)

We continue this week in our series "The King and His Kingdom" from the Gospel of Mark. The text on which the teaching is based comes from Mark 10:13-31. In preparation for worship, you might ask the following questions: ...

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Preparing for Worship (09/26/10)

Corporate worship is a great thing. Of course,we can worship God on our own and with our families - and we should. But there is something special about the people of God coming together for worship (Hebrews 10:24-25). Thus, we hope that corporate worship is the highlight of your week. In an effort to help you get more out of worship, we're posting a short preview of th...

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Preparing for Worship (09/19/10)

The sermon this week comes from Mark 12:28-34 - "The Great Commandment." It's easy to pass over this passage because it's so familiar to those who grew up in the church. And even for those who don't know the Bible well have probably heard these verses before. In preparation for worship, ask yourself what is so revolutionary about Jesus' statement that causes his origina...

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