Utilizing the Church Center App!

With our physical distancing practices in place, we wanted to share a few ways that you can use the Church Center app to stay connected with the life and community of New City; some ways to practice “distant socialling.”

Message Your Community Group

The Church Center app has recently launched a messaging option for groups of 50 people or less! So hop over to your Church Center app and start/join a conversation with your community group! The app developers are still working out some of the bugs, so make sure you keep the app updated to keep the bugs to a minimum. (And let us know of any bugs or suggestions as we are a part of the early release).

Utilize the Directory

This time of physical distancing offers a wonderful opportunity to try new ways of connecting with others. Three of those ways are with snail mail, phone calls and text messages. We have an updated church directory available for our members and regulars in the Church Center App. To find the directory, go to the “New City Presbyterian Church”, tap the Resources tab and you’ll find the directory there.

Is your info out dated or you want to add/update your photo? Tap your photo/gravatar in the top right corner of the Church Center app to update all of your info and add a photo!

Give Online

Giving is part of our worship of God. With our house church model, we’re unable to do this corporately as we normally do, but we’d encourage you to continue giving to the life and work of the church even though we’re not physically meeting together. The Church Center app makes giving very easy! For more info about giving online, visit https://www.newcitycincy.org/giving.

Questions about the Church Center app? Reach out to Abby Murrish, abby.murrish@newcitycincy.org!