Getting Ready for Sunday (April 07, 2024)


While We Wait: a study of 2 Thessalonians

With all apologies to REM, when we think of "the end of the world as we know it," most people don't feel fine. This was certainly true for the church at Thessalonica. Paul had written a previous letter trying to encourage them and calm their fears. But as time passed, the situation grew worse. So Paul writes again to offer clarity about the return of Christ. What he tells them (and us) is meant to create hope, not despair; provoke preparation, not speculation; and embolden engagement, not apathy. We hope you'll join us this spring as study this short letter together.


Getting Ready for Sunday

Read 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12 to prepare for Sunday morning. As part of our worship, we'll pray these words from Thomas Merton together:

Lord God, in so many ways we have no idea where we are going. We do not see the road ahead of us. We cannot know for certain where it will end. Nor do we really know ourselves, and the fact that we think that we are following your will does not mean that we are actually doing so. But we believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you. And we hope we have that desire in all that we are doing. You will lead us by the right road, though we may not see the way clearly. Therefore, give us grace to trust you always, though we may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death. We will not fear, for you are ever with us, and you will never leave us to face our perils alone. Amen.

Songs we'll sing together include: The Reckoning, I Will Wait for You and Great Rejoicing.


That’s a great prayer.
Thanks for doing this Josh. I love anticipating Sunday worship and this helps me get ready!

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