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Preparing for Worship (08/15/10)

We're trying to give you a little heads up on what will be happening during the worship service on Sunday so that you can better prepare your minds and hearts, and thus get more out of worship.

This week we continue in our series Summer Psalms with Psalm 137.  To prepare for worship, read Psalms 137:1-9.  This is one of those texts that finds it's way into every "hard sayings in the Bible" books.  Psalm 137 is usually classified as an "imprecatory psalm."  Click here to learn more about imprecatory psalms.  As you read the text, ask yourself what you think is the main theme of this psalm?  If psalms are the prayerbook of the Bible, how can this psalm teach you to pray?

During worship, we'll also be telling the story of redemption through song, and also through a responsive reading.  For the first time this week, we will be using the words from the Belgic Confession - one of the oldest doctrinal statements of Reformed churches.  We'll be reading together about the work of Christ, and also the comfort his work brings us.

During worship, we also will hear from the founder of Mulunda Miaka Orphanage (MMO) in Zambia, Africa. MMO seeks to raise children in a Christ-centered home, emphasizing sustainability, empowerment and community development. MMO is currently under construction, and they hope to start accepting children by the end of this year, with final completion of MMO slated for August 2010. New City member, Chris Arnos, has been involved with this ministry. 

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